I’ve been doing a few dog portraits for fun (I like to paint animals) in the second half of 2017 and posted them on reddit. They received some nice responses and a few people have asked if I did commissions. So in this post I’m putting together some information!
First of all: at the moment I can do a dog portrait for €125, the size being 7×10″ watercolor paper. Right now I can’t do other sizes, because mailing becomes a lot more cumbersome for larger sizes (which I could do, but the price would get higher). The price includes postage. I have time for about 1-2 paintings per week in my spare time. Mail from the Netherlands to the US takes roughly 2 weeks (track and trace is provided).
About the photo reference: the most important thing is good lighting, and second most important thing is composition. Good lighting is cross lighting (no frontal flash!), and preferably the light will highlight the dogs eyes/face. See this excellent reference photo of Ralph the beagle:
Also this photo illustrates good composition, the photographer is at about the dog’s eye level. Often dogs are photographed from above, and this makes for a poor composition.
Send me an e-mail at wout@woutdezeeuw.com for working out the details. Messages on reddit are difficult to track down.
Here are some dog portraits I’ve been doing in the last few months, hope you enjoy them!